Vietnam joins Top 10 in ICT growth

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Vietnam is among the top ten countries with the quickest ICT growth according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recent announcement of the ranking list of the global ICT (Information and Communication Technology) index. The index is based on universal indices such as fixed telephone, mobile phone, wide broadband, and ratio of using computers, number of internet users.
Vietnam jumped 15 grades compared to the ranking list of 2002 and now stands at the 92nd position among 154 surveyed nations.
In the period covered in the report and the index, the number of mobile phone users in Vietnam grew by over ten times from two million subscribers in 2002 to 24 million in 2007 while the ratio of internet service users surged from 1.8% to 20% of the population. The upgrade of Vietnam in the ICT ranking list is due to Vietnam’s impressive economic growth over the last years. Furthermore, the country has significantly improved on fixed line penetration: while in 2002, there were only 4.8 fixed line subscribers per 100 inhabitants, this figure increased to 32.6 in 2007. With one-fifth of its population online, Vietnam clearly stands out among countries with similar income levels, according to the report.
The Index combines 11 indicators into a single measure that can be used as a benchmarking tool globally, regionally and at the country level. These are related to ICT access, use and skills, such as households with a computer the number of Internet users; and literacy levels.