International ToT course to be co-organised by OCD and the Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang University in October 2009

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In October 2009, two advanced Training of Trainer courses with international trainers will be organized in Hanoi and Khanh, with an aim to improve the skills of OMT trainers to develop and deliver management training to business executives.
The ToT course in Khanh Hoa will be hosted by OMT partner, the Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang University (www.ntu.edu.vn). The three-day course focuses on how to sell executive training programs, how to create and use cases in those programs, and provides practice in both aspects (selling, writing and using cases).
Two distinguished business administration professors with significant experience in faculty development from Boise State University (www.boisestate.edu): Dr. Kirk Smith, Associate Dean of the College of Business and Economics and
Dr. Nancy Napier, Professor of International Business and Executive Director of the Global Business Consortium at Boise State University, Idaho, USA will deliver this training course together with Dr Tang Van Khanh, Director of OCD.
Dr Kim Anh, Dean of Faculty of Economics clearly sees the relevance of online learning for businesses in the central provinces of Vietnam, who has limited access to quality business and management training than their counterparts in big urban centers like Hanoi and Hochiminh City. Her faculty has been known as the regional center of excellence for traditional business training; since working with the OMT project, she is fully convinced about the possibility for better outreach to the local SME community via e-learning.
By building the capacity of Nha Trang University lecturers, they in turn can become the change agents to make e-learning more pervasive in the business community in Khanh Hoa province and Central Vietnam.