Soft launch of e-learning portal

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OCD celebrates the New Year of the Ox with the soft lauch of an innovative e-learning portal for local enterprises (www.daotaoquanly.vn and www.businesstraining.vn).
At this stage the bi-lingual websites www.daotaoquanly.vn and www.businesstraining.vn provide updated information on the Online Management Training program (OMT), developed by OCD with financial support from the Global Competitiveness Facility (www.gcf-vn.org). OMT is a flexible and affordable business training solution to Vietnamese SME exporters, which during 2009-2010 will be expanded to meet the training needs of other segments of the corporate training market in Vietnam. The Online Management Training program developed by OCD is distinctive in the way it combines flexible online-learning elements with the high level of interaction between the trainer(s) and participants and among the participants themselves, to ensure effective delivery of business and management training contents. The OMT team has high hope that this innovative training program is the answer to Vietnamese SMEs who are striving to balance between staff training and development on the one hand, and keeping their training budget under control and making the best use of their ICT infrastructure on the other.