Promoting cross-country linkages in edtech: Vietnam and New Zealand

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On June 17, 2023, Ha Dau, CEO of OMT took part in the Edtech New Zealand’s online discussion “EdTechNZ’s Market Deep Dive: Vietnam” to discuss opportunities and challenges in the Vietnam edtech market, and how New Zealand edtech companies work with Vietnamese schools, universities, and local distributors to enter the market. This is the first collaboration between EdTechNZ and VietTech NZ.
Panelists come from Vietnamese education and edtech sectors as well as the New Zealand edtech industry and Government: Van Banh, Vietnam Country Director for Education New Zealand, Truman Pham, Postgraduate Director at AcademyEX, Mitchell Pham ONZM FCPA, Madelize Bekker , Peter Dong, among others.
OMT and KidsOnline actively promote cross-country linkages and thought exchange in both the edtech community and the early childhood education community. Earlier this year we help organize a roundtable discussion in Hanoi to share unique features of the New Zealand early childhood education, whereby Professor Marek Tesar and Dr. Hoa Pham, founder of Ako Preschool in Hanoi discussed specific use cases of #Learning Stories in New Zealand preschools.