CenterOnline provides protection against fire and explosion to partners

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Decree No.23/2018/ND-CP issued by the Government of Vietnam in 2018 makes it compulsory for public institutions and facilities, including schools, kindergartens, learning centers in Vietnam to have fire and explosion insurance.
When fires in residential areas, schools, factories happen significantly more frequently in cities and provinces across Vietnam, causing great damage to people and property, compulsory fire and explosion insurance is the “salvation” contributing to ensuring social order and safety.
With this in view, in July 2020, CenterOnline partners with Vietnam’s leading non-life insurer PTI to bring fire and explosion insurance free of charge to all learning centers who sign up to use CenterOnline service on annual contract basis.
CenterOnline is committed to accompany partner learning centers in their journey to become professional institutions, with safe and happy environment for learning and growth. Learning centers interested to learn more about this initiative, do sign up with us here.