“School of Fish”: Computational Thinking for pre-school children

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Digital Literacy for pre-school children is no longer just a concept for scholarly discussion. JULES Corporation, a pioneering edtech company from Singapore, has developed the “School of Fish” Computational Thinking Curriculum – the world’s first Curriculum that teaches preschool children foundational coding concepts and cognitive reasoning skills. Learning Computational Thinking equips children with problem solving skills, allowing them to achieve optimal results in learning any subject.
Recognizing the importance of introducing Computational Thinking to pre-school children, KidsOnline is partnering with JULES to adapt the School of Fish Computational Thinking Curriculum for Vietnam’s early childhood education sector, localizing the software, providing training of teachers and support to kindergartens to bring this essential 21st century skill to thousands of Vietnamese pre-school children.
We expect to bring the localized version of “School of Fish” to Vietnamese kindergartens in the 2nd semester of the 2018-2019 schoolyear. Watch this space for more updates from JULES and KidsOnline!