Online HRM Services

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Online HRM Services provided by OMT are designed to enable companies to optimize their HRM function with the help of information technology, saving cost while objectively and systematically managing staff training and development process. They are built and operate on the same open-source platform that supports OMT Training Program and can be customized to fit the look and feel of the customer’s existing online systems.
OMT Online HRM Services include:
• Staff Selection and Recruitment: this service helps to preliminarily screen potential candidates based on their online profiles, serving both external and internal recruitments, or to support position transitioning process.
• New Recruits Integration: all or parts of business’s orientation training contents can be conducted online, with remote support by designated instructors to promote self-learning and faster on-boarding process of new employees into the organization.
• Online HR Quality Audits: all or parts of the HR administrative function can be conducted online, thus enabling managers to save time from administrative work for the more meaningful tasks of motivating, supporting and offering feedback to their employees.